dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014

Manifesto internacional LET CATALANS VOTE

Manifesto internacional de Desmond Tutu, Pérez Esquivel, Ken Loach, Harold Bloom, Paul Preston, Antônio Lobo Antunes, Saski Sassen… Pedem que os catalães possam votar no dia 09/11/14.


A majority of Catalans have repeatedly expressed in different ways the wish to exercise their democratic right to vote on their political future.

This strong demand to vote is the result of longstanding dissension between the governments of Catalonia and Spain over the degree of cultural, political, and financial autonomy that Catalans should enjoy, despite several attempts to reach an acceptable solution.

As the precedents in Quebec and Scotland show, the best way to solve legitimate internal disputes is to employ the tools of democracy. To prevent the Catalans from voting seems to contradict the principles that inspire democratic societies.

Accordingly, we call on the Spanish government and institutions and their Catalan counterparts to work together to allow the citizens of Catalonia to vote on their political future and then negotiate in good faith based on the result.

Desmond Tutu, Archbishop and Nobel Peace Laureate

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, sculptor and Nobel Peace Laureate

Ken Loach, cinema director

Saskia Sassen, Sociologist (Columbia University)

Richard Sennett, Sociologist (New York University)

Harold Bloom, literary critic (Yale University)

António Lobo Antunes, writer

Bill Shipsey, founder d'Art of Amesty Internacional

Paul Preston, Historian and Hispanist (London School of Economics)

Ambler Moss, former Ambassador of the United States of America


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